The White man’s biggest worry has always been- what will happen WHEN- the Black people find out the Truth

The White man’s biggest worry has always been- what will happen WHEN- the Black people find out the Truth.

We can find in a document written in 1550, by cardinals reunited to elect Pope Guillo III (the 3rd) as the head responsible for the management of the affairs at the Vatican. This document is preserved at the National Library of Paris.

“The Gospel and bible reading must be allowed as little as possible, especially in modern languages and only in countries under our authority.

The little that is being read and generally during mass, should be enough and it should be forbidden to anyone to read more.
As long as people will be content with this little, your interests will prosper, but as soon as they will want to read more, your interests will start to suffer.

Here is the book (bible) that, more than any other, provokes against rebellion, storms, that are risky for us.

For that reason, if someone examines carefully the bible’s teachings and its comparison of dates with our church, contradictions will be found very quickly and our teaching will be seen, often as, wandering from the bible’s, and even more frequently in opposition with it.

If the people find this out, they will provoke without rest, until everything will be revealed, and then we will become the object of derision and universal hate.

So, it is necessary that the bible be taken away and removed from the people’s hands, however very carefully, not to cause commotion.

The TRUTH is being revealed 470 Years (2020-1550) since Pope Guillo III (the 3rd) was elected by the cardinals.


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