Africa was civilized before Jesus Christ was even born.

Africa had already reached a high level of civilization many centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ.

One of the greatest developments of the civilization of Africa occurred during the fifteenth (15th) century, at the time of the Songhai Empire.

This empire produced an incredible number of Doctors, Judges, Ministers, Scientists (they were the responsibility of the Emperor), and knew exceptional credit and mutual banking systems.

Four (4) great African centres of Intellect (Universities):
1.     GAO
2.     WALATA
3.     TOMBOUCTOU (the university called Sankore and of which the diploma is called Adjaga)
4.     JENNA

Africa had already reached a high level of civilization many centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ, at the time of Africa’s architectural miracles, namely:

1.     Pyramids
2.     the Sphinx, and
3.     the Luxor Palace

 Africa was advanced on all levels:
·        Transport
·        Agriculture
·        Aestheticism
·        Mathematics


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