Our Ancestors are Saddened and Upset

Our Ancestors are Saddened and Upset.
Looking down on us with disbelief-

All ‘Catholic’ and ‘Christian’ Africans need to give up this belief/claim of a religion that has been responsible for the Black Slave Trade and the humiliation of their Ancestors for Five (5) centuries.

For any African to consider themselves Catholic or Christian is to be a Tratitor to the memory of their Ancestors and to seriously disrespect your Ancestors.

Our African Ancestors who were once subjected to slavery, wherever they may be, must look with disbelief and horror at their descendants who agree to be baptized and to become Christians and Catholics. They must definitely feel betrayed and offended and surely deny and disown their descendants as Traitors to their memory and the sufferings that their Ancestors had to go through and endure.


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