Prophetess Kimpa Vita. Burnt alive by the Church because she was destabilizing and disturbing the lucrative Slave Trade

Prophetess Kimpa Vita.

Burnt alive by the Church because she was destabilizing and disturbing the lucrative Slave Trade.

Kimpa- Craftiness
Vita- Guerrilla (war)

Kimpa Vita was born in Kikongo in 1684 to become the 1st young female Kongo to rebel against foreign spiritual domination. She is the founder of a religion known as “Antonians” or “Kimpasi” at the beginning of the 18th century.

Some of her teachings:

-         “The missionaries whiten god for their profit”
-         “In the heavens, on the Eternals’ planet in paradise….there are Blacks, there are Kongos (Africans)”

Kimpa Vita performed healing just like Jesus, Simon Kimbangu and others did. She used to fertile sterile wombs with a simple touch.

During the Antonians’ prayer session, the gods were invoked with sexual gestures and relations.

She taught women to be fearless and to neither fear tomorrow from the day after tomorrow.

She started her preaching and teachings in 1702, when she was just 18 years old.

Her strong foothold made the missionaries and slaveowners very unhappy because it was destabilizing and disturbing the lucrative Slave Trade.
In 1704 (when she was 20 years old), the Catholic Church accused her of witchcraft. She was arrested by the missionaries but soon released under pressure from the people.

In 1706 (when she was 22 years old), she bore a child with one of her two men. The Catholic Church orchestrated a smear campaign against her, falsely claiming that she is a false saint and that she was an envoy of the devil. As a result, she was re-arrested.

The Catholic Church finally pronounced ‘Death by fire’ as the sentence.

Kimpa Vita was arrested on orders of the Italian missionaries (at the service of the Vatican) led by Lorenzo da Luca and Bernado do Gallo. These two Italian missionaries not just executed Kimpa Vita but also violently stole from Kongo with Portuguese soldiers at their service to capture the Kongos and force them to Christianity Catholic baptism.

While being burnt alive, Kimpa Vita repeated that the heavens would send another prophet to be born to stop slavery and save the Black man.

It is easy to understand why Western history books and do not mention her!


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