Black African ‘Christians’ need to rediscover their Ancient Traditions.

Black African ‘Christians’ need to rediscover their Ancient Traditions.

It is absolutely important for Black African ‘Christians’ to rediscover their ancient traditions which are beautiful and which orbit the truth in which we rediscover our Gods.

It is on this path of self discovery that rests our TRUE spirituality. It is here that we will travel the path of understanding, a path of consciousness, being ‘woke’, and of a harmonious opening of mind onto infinity, both in time and space.

Christianity is a way of conceiving (forming an idea in the mind) of the world, with a distorted notion that they invented, which implies that there exists a ‘unique and omnipresent god of their religion.

Africa needs to rid itself of these notions brought and imposed by the colonizer and to Spiritually DECOLONIZE. It must rediscover the polytheist concepts that it had been taught for so long: It must rediscover its human gods who came from the sky and it must analyze all of this in terms of both the science of today and technologies of the future.

The Christian church’s main goals are to:
1.    Alienate the Black race
2.    Destroy African identity and
3.    Take over African heritage

Let us highly respect ‘Our Black African Fathers who are in the skies’-Bata Nzambi A Mpungu’ (Elohim’s equal).

The Colonizers forced us to change the name(s) Yahweh and Nzambi to God.

We as Africans have always known that Our Fathers from the skies (Ancestors) with higher universal powers, those that create other men, continuously in the universe. But because of slavery, religious assimilation and colonization by the Christian west, with their lies and manipulation, Africa’s science and art have been unfairly stripped away.


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