AFRICA is NOT our original Name

AFRICA is NOT our original Name.

In the beginning, the word Africa did not exist and it definitely was not the original name of our continent.

The land that is known as Africa today was known as the land of “CHAM”, (Kem, Kam, Chemet, Kemet), land of “KUSH”, land of "Sheba” and land of Ethiopia (not named Ethiopia at the time).

The lands of the Kushite Empire received the name ‘Ifriqiya’ (Africa) after the invasion of an Arab King of Yemen named ‘Ifriqos bin Qais bin Saifi’

Kama in Aramean
Kam in Hebrew

Meaning: ‘Burned’, ‘Heat’, ‘Blackened’

Ancient Egyptian: Black People- Kamtu or Kematu in the Ancient African language of Mandjaku.

Kematu- ke Batho


  1. Kama meaning blackened a clear description of our ancestors. However the Europeans even took the color of our ancestors away.Watch all Egyptian movies,cartoons and in even the so called limited history they feed us, the characters of our ancestors have been whitened. We need to find ourselves as the people of this land of CHAM and only then will we find inner peace.

    1. As you rightfully put it our fellow Kama, we really do need to prioritize ourselves as the Black Nation and find ourselves.


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