Speech by Prophet Simon Kimbangu- on Saturday the 10th of September 1921 in Mbanza-Nsanda, Kongo

Speech by Prophet Simon Kimbangu- on Saturday the 10th of September 1921 in Mbanza-Nsanda, Kongo.

“My brothers, the spirit came to reveal to me that the time has come to give myself up to the authorities. Keep this in mind: with my arrest, a period will begin of inexpressible persecutions, for me and a great number of people. We will have to hold on strong, for the spirit of Nzambi (Yahweh) all-mighty will never abandon us. He never abandoned whoever confides into him.

The government authorities (colonial) will impose to my physical person, a very long silence, but they will never be able to destroy the work I have accomplished, for it comes from Nzambi (Yahweh) the father. Indeed, my physical person will be submitted to humiliation and suffering, but my spiritual person will fight against injustices sowed by people of lower nether world who came to colonize us.

For I was sent to liberate the people of Africa (Cula Minkangu mai Kongo) and the world Black race (Zindombe Zazo). The Black man will become white and the white man will become black. For spiritual and moral foundations, as we know them today, will be profoundly shaken. Wars will persist throughout the world. Kongo will be free and Africa also.

But the decade following the liberation of Africa (the nominal independences of the sixties) will be awful and atrocious. For all the first rulers of free Africa will work for the benefit of whites.

A great spiritual and material disorder will take place. The rulers (Minguadi) of Africa will take along, on counsel, from the whites, their respective populations in murderous wars where they will kill each other. Misery will be in place. Many youths will leave Africa hoping to find happiness in the white countries. They will all speak whites’ languages. Among them, many will be seduced by the material lifestyle of the whites. Thus, they will become prey for the whites (Nkuta Mindele). There will be high mortality among them, and some will never see their parents again’.

It will take a long period for the Black man to acquire his spiritual maturity. This will enable him to acquire his material independence. Then the third step will be accomplished. During his period, a great divine king will be born (Nkua Tulendo). He will come with three (3) different powers:

1.    Spiritual Power (Kinzambi)
2.    Scientific Power (Kimazagu)
3.    Political Power (Kimyala)

I myself will be the representative of this king. I will eliminate the humiliation that, since past time, was always inflicted to Blacks. For among all the earth’s races, none has been as mistreated and humiliated as the Black race.

Continue to read the bible. Through its writings you will be able to distinguish the acts of those who came to bring you this book and the writings or moral principles contained in this book. The robber must be caught with the object that he stole!

We will have our Sacred Book, in which will be written things hidden from the Black race and the people of Kongo (Africa). An instructor teacher (Nhlongi) will come before my return to write this book and prepare for the arrival of the great divine king, the Nkua Tulendo. He will be fought by the generation of his time, but gradually, most of the people will understand and follow his teaching. For the arrival of the king will be without forgiveness. Then, it is necessary for the people of Kongo (Africa) to be informed before this event.

You do not know yet what a Spiritual war is like. When the Kongo (African) people start to liberate themselves, any country that will dare attack Kongo will be engulfed underwater. You do not know yet the power of those who are sent by Nzambi (Yahweh) the almighty. The Kongo generation will lose everything. It will be muddled by teachings and perverse moral principles coming from the European world (Mavanga my bisi Mputu). It will not know any more the marital principles of its Ancestors. It will ignore its mother tongue. So I exhort you to not neglect nor scorn your mother tongues. They should be taught your children and your little children…for a time will come when the languages of whites will be forgotten. Nzambi (Yahweh) gave to each human group (Nkangu wa Bantu) a language, which he uses as an ‘alliance of communication’ (Nsinga wa Mbila).


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