Christianity is an instrument of manipulation and domination

Christianity is an instrument of manipulation and domination.

The Republic of South Africa is not sitting with a problem of citizens and especially the youth, not being unemployable because they are unable to acquire the necessary skills, but rather, the country is struggling with this serious problem because the vast majority of the country’s population is made up of a ‘Christian Community’.

This enormous community of people is taught and always reminded by their religion (Christianity) that ‘Money is the root of all evil’ (1 Timothy 6, 10).

This therefore instils fear and a feeling of guilt in its members, because now, if one starts investing in themselves through studies (academic, social and corporate) and acquires work experience in order for them to get a better job and therefore as a result, earn income, they feel as if they are doing something wrong according to their religion and bible. 

This leads to them to feel as if they are contravening the teachings taught and told down to them by their colonizing ‘white Christian owners’.

The majority of Black people therefore based on this notion; do not want to improve themselves to a point where they could be employable and to such an extent that they might find themselves in a position where they are ‘Rich’.


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