39 Years ago, on this day- A True African Legend passed on- BOB MARLEY

The Church Brutally Kills Black Prophets.

The Christian and Catholic churches kill Black Prophets and eliminate them from history as an integral part of our heritage.

“How long will they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look? -- Robert Nesta (Bob Marley).

The great majority of Blacks never ask themselves whether or not there were Black prophets during the course of our humanity.
Yet, these same Blacks pray to Jesus on Sunday in white churches, continually being brainwashed to adore the Jesus of whites, the Jesus of the Slave colonizer’s religion.

Let us as Africans carefully consider the following:

Everywhere on earth, people have always had their own indigenous prophets-
·       Asian- Buddha, Krishna, Lao-Tzu, Confucius
·       Arab and Jewish Semites- Mohamed, Bab, Zoroaster
·       American- Joseph Smith (Mormons)
·       Europeans- Jesus (for the last 2000 years)

How is it we, Black Africans, do not have our own Black prophets?

Does a reason exist for Black people not having their own prophets in the same way and at the same level as other races?

Is there a single explainable reason for the heavens to discriminate against Black people concerning prophets?



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