Africa Wake Up

Africa Wake Up!- Kayemb ‘Uriel’ Nawej:

Wake up before it is too late. Get out of this spiritual coffin in which you were placed. You can pray in the colonizers’ Christian churches, as much as you like, as much as you can, but it is without any hope. It does not bring resolution at all. If you carry on with this way of life, you will see your situation getting degraded still further.

Look around you! You die! You Cry! Beautiful Africa! and all these Catholic and Christian prayers of your children have never changed anything and will never change anything. You can know the bible of the ‘white father’ by heart, recite passages ten times a day; this will not change your misery even a little.

The skies, the gods and our ancient Prophets are waiting for something else from you. Have you not understood that they expect from you, that you decolonize yourself at all levels, including the religious/spiritual level.



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