All Black ‘Christians’ are Enemies of Africa

All Black ‘Christians’ are Enemies of Africa.

Africa is still under Spiritual, Economic and Political colonization.

Whether you are a Black ‘Christian’ because you consciously decide to ignore the truth or you genuinely do not yet know the truth, the truth about Christianity being a scam brought to Africa by a group of white thieves calling themselves ‘Missionaries’, is REAL and CRUEL for those who will have to suffer the consequences.

Africans must find their roots again, find their own culture and get rid of the inferiority complex instilled in them by the white church.

This complex of inferiority has been the norm for the Black ‘Christians’ for a very long time, but without reason, when you really think about it.

Africa has the advantage of extraordinary Purity. While on the other hand, our white counterparts will still have to pay and suffer for all the injustices and wrong-doing that their own creation (Christianity) has caused on the Black race all over the world.
The Christian church still continues to commit Financial and Human rights violation crimes against the Black race in Africa and in the Diaspora.

The mightiest enemy facing Africa is our sense of inferiority to whites, without reason.

This inferiority creates an opportunity for whites to take advantage of your spirit by colonizing your mind and making you forget who you are, it also serves to make you forget how worthy you are.

Africans are not inferior to whites because we still hold and have this purity that whites have lost.

Black people have been the victims of Christian colonizers for a very long time and this needs to stop, immediately, without any further delay.

White Christian missionaries came to Africa to tame and dominate us.

They came to force us to forget our Ancestors and abandon our authentic religions.  Then they forced Christianity on us, transforming Black people into ‘colonized’ people. This made us lose our identity, which was their main objective.

It completely cut off the Black man from their roots and culture. 

We then, unfortunately became puppets who started praying to the white God, the white Jesus, the Virgin Mary and white Pope.

No African who has respect for themselves can call themselves Christian!

Let the Christian remain in Europe, it’s their home and Christianity is THEIR religion, NOT OURS.

To be Black and call yourself Christian is to betray all our African Ancestors and to insult Africa herself.

It is to completely disrespect our Ancestors who suffered, who were converted by force into Christianity and whose children were brutally taken away and placed into Christian schools.  These same Christian schools continue to flourish as business institutions to this day.

The white Christian church masterfully created an inferiority complex in the mind of the Black ‘Christian’ because the church has always wanted and managed to dominate you and exploit you as much as it can.
We, who are true African, understand that every Black person CAN and MUST find themselves.

Let us stand up and be proud of the Kings and Queens that we have been brought to this earth by the Elohim, to be.

Let us allow the Black glory and genius in each one of us to shine.

Leave Christianity to whites, it’s their invention, it is not compatible to Africanicity and it contradicts everything that we stand for.

Let us rediscover the healthy religions of our Ancestors in order to renew contact with our humanized Gods. The ones from the sky- ELOHIM.

Our Ancestors are ready to forgive us, even though we, as the Black nation had turned our backs on our creators for so long.

We as Sons Of Usir would like to profusely apologize to our creators for such disrespect shown to them by Black ‘Christians’ of our generation.


There will be a hard and heroic journey of the African Spiritual independence (Dipanda Dianzole) for the Black people all over the world and it will be led by a group of Spiritual Africans (Nkua Tulendo).

Our role as Nkua Tulendo is to restore the broken link between YAHWEH, ELOHIM and the Black Race. We will restore true Peace and Harmony.


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