Even Christianity acknowledges Yahweh and Elohim

Even Christianity acknowledges Yahweh and Elohim.

Bible verses that illustrate that Yahweh and Elohim are the original constructs of the Thorah and are even acknowledged by the Christian religion itself. See the beneath:

1.    Genesis 3,5- ‘And ye shall be as Elohim>>
2.    Genesis 3,22- the man is become as one of us>>
3.    Genesis 6,1-2- That the Sons of Elohim>>
4.    Psalms 58,11- Verily (certainly) he is Elohim that judgeth in the earth>>
5. Psalms 8,1,4-5- <<Yahweh…what is man… for thou hast made him a little lower than Elohim>>


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