Simon Kimbangu’s Prophecies between 1921-1951

Simon Kimbangu’s Prophecies between 1921-1951.

Ø The liberation of Africans through the first nominal independences of the sixties (60’s), which will only be false independences, an illusion of independence.
Ø The coming to power of dictators in Africa who will serve their own interests and those of the former colonial west ‘masters’.
Ø The exodus of many young Africans towards the countries of the westerners to flee oppression and misery:

Then finally, the hard and heroic conquest of a second true independence for all Africa “Dipanda Dianzole”, which will be led by the arrival of a prophet “Nkua Tulendo”, whose role will be religious, scientific and political.

Nkua Tulendo will be a King and Prophet; he will restore the broken link between Yahweh and the Black people. He will restore true peace and harmony in Africa. He will come to lead a real spiritual, economic and political decolonization of Black Africa. He will come to restore Africa. He will come to restore all the natural borders of Africa prior to the era of colonization (before the 1884-1885 Berlin conference.)

He will come with a powerful message in a book; this book will be initially rejected, but will finally be accepted by all. One of his instructor-teachers (Nlhongi) will come to announce him to the Black people, and explain verbally and in writing who this ‘Nkua Tulendo’ is.


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