The Church is a Criminal organization. The church is a colonizing, enslaving, usurping, lying and criminal institution. And Africa is suffering from this state of being

The Church is a Criminal organization.

The church is a colonizing, enslaving, usurping, lying and criminal institution. And Africa is suffering from this state of being.

So how can you as a Black African be part of it, promote it, serve it, obey it foolishly? Because to obey that institution and to serve it, can only be done foolishly, without thinking, without making use of a single atom of intelligence.

In the name of our Ancestors who were Conquered, Persecuted, Tortured and Killed, I vomit from my mouth that institution (church) that deserves no respect. This church will have to be removed from our land and returned to Rome, by completely leaving it, by apostatizing it. As long as it is done by a sufficiently large number of Africans, finally awakened from their nightmarish sleep and who decide to extract themselves from their drowsiness.

Christianity equals to Slavery and Death. African Spirituality equals to Freedom and Justice. Which one will survive the Armageddon (Good over Evil)?

Christianity has been used as an instrument to enslave the conquered African nations, ensuring that they lose their identity.

Christianity has assimilated the colonized Blacks like a dog; it has forced them to lead into:
Ø Submission,
Ø Removed all their identity,
Ø  Fostered obedience without question and
Ø  Forced them to believe that Christianity is great and beautiful.

Christianity’s main aim is for Economic and Political domination. The real objective is the exploitation of the wealth and the natural resources. 
All Black ‘Christians’ are mentally colonized and are like dumb sleepwalkers, without identity, like a tree without roots.

Christianity has been a programmed downfall completely created by western invaders (who purposely gathered on the subject in Germany during the Berlin conference of 1884-1885, and this of course, against the will of our African Ancestors) orchestrated in order to spiritually, economically and politically colonize us.

How Patronizing and disrespectful the Catholic Church gets:

In 2003, in Gorea, Senegal (Island symbol of the Slave Trade), AFRICAN ‘Catholic’ Bishops asked forgiveness in the name of Africa. They asked forgiveness for their responsibility and participation as AFRICAN ‘Christians’ in the Black Slave Trade.

These so-called Black ‘Christians’ just rubbed salt into the wound and disrespected our Ancestors and ourselves even worse than the initial missionaries did.


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