Black 'Christians' WAKE UP

Black Man and Woman WAKE UP.


1.     Do you know that your Ancestors were converted to Christianity by force, violence and torture in a real genocide?

2.     Do you know that Christians, and in particular the Pope (s), have supported Slavery, the trading of Black people and their deportation?

3.     Do you know that Christians, and in particular, the Pope proclaimed for a long time that Black people did not have a soul?

HOW can you do it?

1.     How can you make yours, the religion of those who whipped, tortured, humiliated, persecuted and killed your Ancestors?
2.     How can you embrace the religion of those who deliberately hurt you so much?
3.     How can you be Catholic or Christian today?

4.     Have all you self proclaimed Black ‘Christians’ forgotten so quickly that this ‘Bible’ was the number one (1) instrument of the spiritual and material oppression of your Ancestors and by which the Westerners are keeping you prisoners, even today?



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