Christianity STOLE from Africa and there's proof!

Christianity STOLE from Africa and there’s evidence.

Christianity’s role in the Black Man’s struggle has always been underrated because its negative impacts have been either, Unknown, Known and misinterpreted, or Known but deliberately ignored.

All Black Christians find themselves in one of only three (3) possible scenarios in their lives:

1.     They don’t know what damages Christianity has caused in their lives (History)

2.     They have an idea of the damages caused by Christianity to their race but the information was deliberately misinterpreted so that it doesn’t add up and make sense, or

3.     They know the truth but purposely ignore it (because they either hold positions in this Christian organization or they fear accepting the truth for the fear of being victimized and called ‘Sell Outs’), yet they would not be selling out on anything because this religion did not even belong to us from the onset.

In Europe and in America, you can still find Document Sources that prove white supremacy and the Church’s infiltration strategy into Africa.

To this current day you can still find:

·        Letters from Christian missionaries to their Church leaders
·        Reports and letters from Captains of Slave ships
·        Reports of Colonial Administrators in Africa
·        Reports and letters from Geographers and Explorers
·        Parliamentary debates


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