Black Person, Give Up the Church!

Blackman, restore the broken bond with your Ancestors
African Men and Women, a multitude of realities that belonged to you were hidden and stolen from you.
Restore the bond with your Ancestors, recognize them, give up the Churches and give up the religion of those who betrayed your Ancestors.
Give up the religions of those who are in rebellion towards your Ancestors..
Recover your religious purity by mending the broken link with them.
Be their ‘Allies’. Be sons and daughters of the light of the Elohim by rejecting the religious institutions developed by those who broke the link, who not only refuse to accept them but flatly reject the possibility of their existence.
Abandon their camp, this fortress in which they have forced you to reject your Ancestry, to abandon your history, and in which they strive to completely remove your authentic religions that speak of the celestial beings, those who come from the sky, the Elohim of the original Hebrew bible.


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