Black ‘Christians’ are Ignorant.

Black ‘Christians’ are Ignorant.

Why do Black ‘Christians’ never ask themselves these questions?

1.     How and why did a once great nation of people, with a common origin, all of a sudden and without any sense, just decide to splinter off and separate into countless societies with different dialects and even languages?

2.     How is it that the art of writing was lost by the first people to invent it?

3.     Why has Africa had so many name changes with the passage of time?

Africa has been renamed several times throughout its civilization.  Its name changed from its original name of Kemet/kem/Cham, which means- ‘Land of the Black Man’. As the Arab, Islam, Christian, European and Roman invasions hit Kemet; the name of the continent was gradually changing and even broken down into sub-names/colonies.


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