Black People are Gods

Black People are Gods

You are a Child of the Universe.
The world is your play, you scripted it.
It reflects the melodies of your Spirit.
We are the Micro-Gods of our world.
Today we employ you to touch the world,
To shape it the way you want it to be.
Look at life directly,
See what you see,
Not what others tell you that you must see.
If all you know is what you have heard,
Then you know nothing!
Figure out the terrain,
Read Books,
Apply your heart to knowledge…
Because the world is already harsh to stupid people!
Study facts,
Learn technology,
Observe the sciences and study more broadly.
Know your History. It’s key.
Know your world because you are the Governor.
We were born to create,
The arts belong to us and we shall create.

(Kaya FM; What is Wrong With Grooving, Lebo Masango, 2020)


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