Black Africa turning White and Brown


                                        (The Hyksos were the first foreign rulers of Egypt)

Africa was ruled under one government by King Menes  3100 B.C as the first Dynasty and Africa was known as Ethiopia (specifically the current Egypt and Sudan regions).

Foreign invasions deeply affected the unity of African tribes after the first Seven Dynasties.

Between the 7th and 10th Dynasties, during the period 2181-2040 B.C, Africa experienced the worst and most fateful period of weak and greedy leaders. 

While some were being bought over by the invaders, others became too power hungry and wanted to take over other tribes in order to eventually become the next Pharaoh of the land. 

Our Ancestors suffered 141 years of the destruction of Ethiopia (Egypt and Sudan), while the invading forces kept fueling the fire by promoting these internal wars and even aiding some tribes with weaponry to fight their own Black people. These invaders formed alliances with weaker and greedy leaders so that they could make their invasion easier.

Africa regained power and had a strong dynasty between the 10th and 12th dynasties. 

In 1786 B.C, the 12th dynasty ended after some really great progress. And then unfortunately trouble returned during the 13th dynasty. this trouble was caused by internal power struggles.  



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