Christianity Stole and Manipulated African Principles and called them the 10 Commandments.
These are the Original 42 Divine
Principles of MAAT ( Ancient African Spirituality).
Christianity Stole and Manipulated only Ten (10) of
these Principles and called them the 10 Commandments.
Black people from Ancient Africa always believed that
God is within you and you need to make these 42 personal pledges to yourself
daily so that you live by guiding principles in order to have balance in your
life and so that you honour your great Ancestors.
The Christian community took just Ten of these
principles that they were taught by the Black people of Africa, and changed
them to make them seem as an instruction from an external 'God" called
Jesus Christ.
They changed our principles from them being a
self-governance system to them being rules and instructions by a foreign force
outside your own self.
Let us measure the Christian organization against the
42 Divine Principles of MAAT and see if it stands a chance. Let us see how the
church measures against the same list of principles that they stole and
manipulated in order to take advantage of the Black race.
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