Egypt is Ethiopia’s ( Africa's) oldest daughter

Egypt is Ethiopia’s oldest daughter

Egypt is in the centre of the cross roads from all directions heading into Africa from both Europe and Asia.

Egypt’s positioning as a gateway into Ethiopia (Lower Africa) became a curse because it became a primary target for the invaders.

Ancient Egypt had a very large concentration of Black Africans in the Nile Valley and the Nile Delta. These areas have the richest soil in the empire, thanks to the Nile River.

Africa has always been at an advantage as the proven source of life on earth. The Nile River nourishes and feeds the great agricultural system of the vast land. This is one of the main sources of wealth that supports Africa with its great cultural advances. The second gift from the gods to Africa is the minerals and resources that we are blessed with.

Four thousand (4000) years before Christ was born, Africa was already fighting against Europe and Asian invasions.

By this time, Black people had established their Egyptian capital of Nekheb. Other cultural centres for Black people were Thebes and Napata.

The Palermo Stone Records (Old Egyptian writings, now found in a  Museum called Antonio Salinas in Italy, Palermo) show us the victory of Black people over invasions of Asians.

The beginning of the first African Dynasty (3 100 B.C) started when King Menes of Ethiopia (Africa) defeated the Asians decisively and managed to unite all Africa under one rule again, as was the case previously with African leadership under Usir and Horus.

During the dynasty of King Menes, Africa achieved stability in the innovations and administrative systems of the land.
This provided a good foundation for both economic and social conditions necessary for the more uniform expansion of religion (excluding Christianity), the arts, crafts, Mathematics and sciences.  


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