The 1st Black Man and 1st known Prophet on Earth- USIR (Osiris)


The 1st Black Man on Earth
The Oldest Prophet in History
The Great Black Prophet

The ancestor of the great Pharaohs.

Usir’s tomb was discovered by a Frenchman Professor of History named Emile Amelineau (1850-1915).

Usir is designated as the son of Geb (the Earth) and Nout (sky), he was the fruit of interbreeding between someone from the earth and somebody from the sky. 

He is the embodiment of GOOD. The writings say that he sent to triumph over evil (Armageddon)

In Ancient Egypt, he is known as Un-nefer, meaning to be Eternally Good.

Usir gives food and all forms of nourishment to the entire country that he traverses to teach:
·       Wisdom
·       Agriculture
·       the Rejection of Cannibalism
·       the Culture of the Vine
·       the Use and the Conservation of Wine

The Ancient Africans showed him love as they regarded him as a messenger of the heavens.


The Great One
The Powerful One

“I am the Lord of Maat (Truth-Justice)
 I am the Master of Eternity
 I am the one who is
 I am on earth the first of the Amentieu”

Great Black= KEM-WR
KEM= Black
WR= Large

Osiris Kem= ‘Our Osiris’ in Ancient Egyptian.

There was already a genesis in Africa where Ancient Egypt was known as KEMET, by its inhabitants. Kemet means that ‘it is a civilized land inhabited by Black people’- ‘City of the Black Man’s Science’.

Usir was venerated in all of Egypt. The account of his life is the centre of the religious texts of Kemet.
Towards 1985 BC, a Theatrical School in Abydos (Egypt) existed which gave representations of the mysteries of Usir.

Then the Greeks renamed Usir- Dionysus, in turn, Dionysus became Bacchus in the Roman tradition.

The Greek Plutarch’s Treaty of 50-125 A.D, on Isis and Osiris about Clea confirms this Greek tradition:
‘Let Osiris (Usir) become one with Dionysus, who could know this better than you Clea, you the mother superior of the Delphinian Thydes (Priestess of Dionysus), who was consecrated (declared holy) by your father and mother to the Osirian (Usirian) rites?

Greek Historian- Diodorus of Sicily tells us that Osiris’s (Usir’s) mission, which is reported in the Egyptian scared text was about:

·       traversing the inhabited earth to civilize humanity and
·       to force humanity to give up cannibalism definitely and discover the divine virtues.

For his journey, he left Egypt with his whole army, his brother (which the Greeks call Apollo) and Agricultural Specialists. Usir travelled to Europe by crossing Hellespont.

In Thrace, he killed King Lycurgus of the Barbarians because he was opposed to his actions.
He then left an old man by the name of Maron to watch over the plantations that he had made in the country. The city was also then renamed Maroneia.
He also left Macedon as King of the country that was called Macedonia after his name.

We can understand by this that Ancient Africans, answering a divine call from the heavens through Usir, travelled the earth to share their knowledge with men.


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